cable machines

Jiangsu Handing Machinery Co.,Ltd.
Changzhou Handing International Trading Co.,Ltd.

Standard drying loader


●  Adopts proportionaL deviation dispLay thermostat, which controls the temperature al1:curately.

●  StainLess steeL hopperensures no materlaL contamination.

●  Hopper separaited from its base, which ensures convenient cLeaning.

●  SingLe tube suctiorl box is standard equipment.

●  SDL-300 and even smaller models beLow are ec1uipped with standard base. SDL-400 and everl bigger models above it are equipped with magnetic base.

●  For SHD-25SL~l50SL, heater pipes are connected by aLuminum sheets and other modets are equipped with temperature protection to prevent heater pipe from damaglng by blowerfaults.

●  Overheat trlpping can automatically cut off power when drying temper,3-ture exceeds set deviation va[ue.

●  Adopt5 heat-insulated blowerto proLong blowerlifespan.

●  AIL seriesofmodel5 adopt microcomputer controL and RS485 communication port.


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